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The Miracle Garden
Spirit, wants me to introduce you to The Miracle Garden 
The Miracle Garden is a place of great beauty. It is dense at the entrance with massive trees and low line foliage. As I approach the entrance the path that I'm going to walk appears in front of me. As I step onto the path I can feel a sense of calmness come over me. The trees of the garden seem to beckon me to leave all my fear, anger, and sadness with them.  
As I stroll down the path into the Garden, there is a feeling of joy, calmness a smoothness in the air. The birds are singing, the sun is shining and glistening through the leaves of the trees. There in the background,  I can hear a waterfall, it is so beautiful here, my heart is just full of joy.
As I'm taking in all this beauty that surrounds me and filling myself up, there is a gentle voice that begins to speak to me, "Saying!" Welcome, John." I could not see where this voice was coming from, "it" seemed like it was all around me. The voice continued to speak, "Welcome" to The Garden of Eden."  
I kept looking around, I could feel her energy. As I kept walking and looking all of a sudden there she was, sitting in a pool of water. She "says" to me again "Welcome" "I am the Garden Keeper."
As I walked over to the pool she arose and walked over to me.  She said to me, How did you get here? in a bewildered tone, most humans cannot enter this place or know how to be in my presence. I explained to her how it happened.
Together we walked, and I could feel the love that is all around us. In a soft voice, She asks, "so John what brings you here today?" In a humble voice, I share with her my pain and my dysfunctional life. I had explained to her how My Angelic -Self gave me access to this beautiful Garden and why. It was so that I could fix the many things that were wrong in my life.
Awe she says, follow me. We walked for what seemed to be for quite some time, then out of nowhere, we walked into a clearing. This clearing is beautiful, it is blanketed with lush green grass, and trees that surround the outside perimeter. At the baseline of the perimeter, there are beautiful flowers, flowers of all different kinds of brilliant colors. This place is just absolutely beautiful.
As I am looking around and trying to take in all this beauty, a mist begins to appear in the clearing like a cloud. As the misty cloud moved in, I could feel the energy start to intensify all around me. The Garden Keeper turned to me and asked. Do you have what is called a VisionPrayer? Yes "I said" Spirit made sure I had it. Then we can begin. 
There is so much more to this event that I cannot even go into it all here right now. 
The Good news is: I can go back anytime I feel the need for a miracle. Here is another wonderful thing about this gift. I can come back here for anyone else who is in need of a miracle. I have The VisionPrayer that is needed to create a miracle.  To learn more about the Miracle Garden and The VisionPrayer fill in the contact form below
The Miracle Garden & The VisionPrayer is for those people who know there is something more out there than what we have been taught in the churches of the world.
We as spiritual beings want to wake up to; Our Higher-self, our true purpose, and who we are. We want to bring forward our true gifts of self and live in a light that's more magnificent than we can imagine. We want to know a love that has no boundaries, to call forth anything that is needed to serve others in their time of need. 
We want to enjoy the beauty of a life that can only be seen through the eyes of spirit. We want to awaken to the sound of joy and harmony daily. We want to wake up from the nightmare that surrounds us daily. We want to enjoy the beauty of life without boundaries. Life is beautiful when you are awake.  
This is what I felt like and still do. During my process of Awakening. I developed this connection with the Universe where I have nothing to worry about, I mean Nothing. To this day The Universe takes care of everything for me. My life is filled with magic.  If you are seeking this kind of life, Then you need The Garden of Miracles & The VisionPrayer. Contact Me. 


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