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Angelic Identity Reading
Our journey started long before we ever arrived here, in this, lifetime! Yes, "I'm going to tell you" upfront, you may not believe me, but, I'm still going to tell you. You and I have been here many, many times. We were all created shortly after the heavens were created. We are the Angelic- beings of the heavenly Kingdom.  We were the ones who worshiped and sang the praises to the creators of life, until one day, A Voice spoke and "said follow me." This voice said; I will show you how to live and act like the Creators of life that you sing and give praise to." Rise up the Voice continues "You" and "I"will create and do many wondrous things together. Let us create our own kingdom and live like the Gods that are before us." Well you know the rest of the story, we are here. The Truth is that we are still Angelic beings of Light living in a place of our own making. The Creators of Life knew before hand that we would do what we have done, it was part of the divine plan. 
As the Angelic being of light, we know all before it happens, we have a clear view for we can see into the future with ease, we have the strength to command mountains to jump into the sea, and we are divine in nature.
As an Angelic spirit, we have lived many lifetimes, but, in this body only once.  We live the gift of life  through the sensory devices of the human body. Which is pretty awesome most of the time. The only problem we have is the space between the ears. A lot of the time we the Spirit are talking but the body is not listening, which causes a lot of conflict and confusion.
See what most people don't know is that, we as spirits have an agenda. We chose this body to live and experience certain things. We choose the mother and the father of similar personalities and bring them together in order to create a person similar to our own individual personalities and needs. The problem is the veil and free will. We can not make you see or do anything that you do not want to see or do. We can prompt, suggest, even trigger certain events that would provoke certain emotions to help you see something that would best serve us both. But, the truth remains we can't make you do it.
We know though without a doubt , that if you knew what our agenda is and how it would benefit you to do it, you would want to know immediately . So here is your chance.
We have shared a key with John on how to unlock this information for you. To learn more about what your Spiritual personality is, and what  it's agenda is, Contact me and Let's talk!   

It's time to connect on a conscious level as to who you are as an Angelic being. Once you have done this your worldly life will become clearer. I Look forward to talking with you soon.

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