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                                        The Secrets Behind

                               The Seven Cosmic Seasons &

         Their 14 Rhythmic Cycles of Light can be released

What are The Seven Cosmic Seasons?    


We all know that the earth goes through 4 seasons within a year right, but, did you know that the universe also goes through its seasons? That is right, the universe goes through seven of them. The seven seasons are called Cosmic Seasons. And just like the earth's seasons we can predict the start and end on a certain date, so can these Cosmic Seasons.


These Cosmic Seasons start on the 21st of March in the Northern Hemisphere and on the 1st of September in the Southern Hemisphere. Each cosmic season lasts for a period of 52 days. How do I Know what I'm about to share with you, you will need to read my bio, but, let's get back to the subject at hand.


Now each one of the seasons, listed below, carries within them two powerful energy forces. These two powerful energy forces are called Rhythmic Cycles of Light.  One Rhythmic Cycle of Light is called (Life) while the other Rhythmic Cycle of Light is called (Death). There are 14 cycles in all. Both positive and negative energy run at the same time. They both co-mingle together within all Life forces. Humans, animals, plants, water air. Everything that carries a positive and negative charge to sustain life.  


Each Rhythmic Cycle of Light carries within it, its own agenda. They govern every aspect of our lives on a daily basis. They affect the very core of your being and the essence of life in the world in which we all live. If you would like to have more Love in your life, better relationships, more money,  or just a stronger, happier, healthier Life, then you need to learn more about these two Rhythmic Cycles of Light and death and how they move through your world and your body on a daily basis.


The universal seasons that moves and energize all the patterns of life.


Season (1) Is the season of Celebration & Planning/Arrogance & Greed 

Season (2) Is the season of inspiration & Action/ Weak-willed & Stagnant 

Season (3) Is the season of Leadership & Good judgment / Anger & Conflict 

Season (4) Is the season of Healing & Communication/ Poor Judgment & Confusion

Season (5) Is the season of Empowerment & Good fortune/ Coldness & Loneliness

Season (6) Is the season of Love & intuition/ Fearfulness & Unloving 

Season (7) Is the season of Devotion & Divine Connection/ Sickness & Rejection

These seasons are considered to be the ebb-and-flow of life


We as humans also go through our own ebb and flow of energetic patterns within our own personal seasons.  Just like the seasons of the earth.  The Earth season lasts for a period of 52 days each. And so do our seasons last for a period of about 52 days each. Most people don't even know these 7 Human Seasons exist, but they feel the effects. wouldn't it be nice to know which season was coming so you could prepare for them to get the most out of your life?


This information is only for those who want to create more harmony and a bigger edge in their life. who would like to know how to plan their future in order to get the most out of it, with the least amount of pain and loss. And who wants to create more harmony with their energy fields, who wouldn't want to experience more love in their lives, and also feel empowered?  Who would not want to get a more in-depth understanding of these seven Seasons and how they can affect your life on a daily basis


If you would like to book a session with me to find out which season you are in. you can go to the product page and book a session. Fill out the order form and hit the Paypal button and pay the requested reading fee.  If you have questions and need additional answers please email me for more information. 


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