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The Room of Light       
What is, The Room of Light?
The Room of Light is the place where I was blessed to receive the other two gifts, The Miracle Garden and The VisionPrayer. Envision this if you will. The night these amazing gifts came to me.  I am at home resting from my long day of work, which I had been blessed with the night before. As I am sitting in my chair spirit starts prompting me to go outside, you know that feeling where you just have to get up and do something, even if you don't want to. I hesitated for as long as I could. Well, that is what was going on with me. So, I gave in and went outside. When I went outside my body became so filled with the spirit it was all I could do to contain it. All I wanted to do was pray and talk with God/Goddess of light and the whole Heavenly Host.
So, Spirit kept prompting me to walk and to keep on walking, but, this time I was not hesitating to listen. I came upon this huge field behind this large warehouse. I was told to stop, so I did. 

By the time you gather your composure, this feeling comes over you that the voice is walking right beside you. Its presence feels so comforting that you can not help but feel the love showering down all over you. In that moment, your heart opens up, tears of joy start to roll down your cheeks, your mind and body become filled with excitement and you begin to hum and whistle the joy that is in your heart.
As Spirit and I are walking and talking, we both come to the entrance of a long and narrow bridge. Just before I stepped onto the bridge, my spirit stopped me from entering it. Spirit "told me to wait at the entrance for a moment". As I paused and waited to move forward with spirit, I started looking around, I was in complete awe.
Below the bridge I could not see the ground, it looked like the bridge was suspended in mid-air. You turned and looked back behind you and noticed that the path you had just walked was gone. Your heart starts racing and fear begins to set in. Just in that moment, the Spirit "speaks up and says! "Welcome to the bridge that will lead you to the gates of heaven".  
Wrapped around the other side of the bridge you could see what looked like a huge wall. This huge wall appeared to be ivory-looking, in color. In the center of the wall, there seemed to be a huge door. As I gazed at the door, there appeared to be this blue haze hovering like a mist or a cloud.
As I stood there gazing at this mist it grew bigger and wider. As the mist grew it captivated my thoughts and memories of feelings that I had it kept getting bigger in front of the door and wall. it was kind of hard to see it from where we were standing. At that moment your body starts to sweat with excitement and nervousness all at the same time. This is something you have experienced before but you just do not remember doing it. 
Spirit speaks up and says "Come follow me", and we begin to walk. As we started our walk together I began to feel my body getting lighter and lighter, I looked down at my hands and I could see through it.
When you come to this Room oIt is the place where all Miracles come from for all of us to experience while here on the physical plane.  
I have been blessed with this great gift of seeing and entering this beautiful garden.  When I work with people and we are creating miracles, this is where we go, into The Garden of Miracles  (The Garden of Eden). When both, "The Garden of Miracles and "The VisionPrayer" are combined, "Miracles" begin to happen.
How The Process Works! 
When you sign up to be a part of the Higher Living by Design Miracle Network, I will send you a request form for you to fill out. This request form will be a basic membership form asking for your name address, cell phone, and for a list of circumstances that are plaguing your life. To be a member of The Garden of Miracle Network The fee is $20. per month. That $20 will go to spreading the gift of Miracles around the world.
As you and I prepare for this event. You will lay down or sit down in a quiet place, you will take out the VisionPrayer and follow the instructions. I will then prepare myself to enter The Miracle Garden. As you begin to focus on the VisionPrayer I will begin taking you and me into the Garden of Miracles.
As you and I are standing there in the  Garden of Miracles, God/Goddess of Life, The Garden Keeper, and the Heavenly Host will show up. At this time, I will present you to them. After I have presented them to you. "They"  will ask me to pull out your VisionPrayer request form, and then I follow it's instructions. 
As I follow the instructions, amazing things will begin to happen to you. Such as; You may feel anger, frustration, Sadness or you could feel, a sense of excitement, feel lighter, happier, You could feel this sense of awe come over you, or you may just feel a sense of relief.
It is hard to "say" exactly what you are going to feel or experience because everyone's life is so different, but, I can tell you this, the more you and I go into the Garden of Miracles and go through this process together, the better your life will become. Change is inevitable.  
To Learn more about this amazing process of creating miracles and recalibrating the flow of energy in your life please visit the Product page and sign up or fill out the request form with your name and questions and I will get back with you as soon as possible.
To reach the Product page, just click on the blue button below, at the bottom of this page. Read which program will best suit you and your needs then proceed. Thank you for helping me spread the joy of Love to all those in need around the world. God/Goddess of life is smiling with us as you are reading this website. To learn more please visit product page by clicking the blue button below. Thank you! 

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