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About: John R. Ledsome

John's Life was not special by any means, He was stuck in a small country town on the side of the road, without any food, cigarettes, money, a car, or any place to stay at 4:30 pm. This is when it all happened. The Spirit of God/Goddess of Life came down and touch my mind and my ears after I asked a question.


By 11 pm  John had been given two jobs, received enough money to buy clothes, had cigarettes and a roof over his head. Mind you all this happened within 6 hrs of John asking a special question. When he got the answer, he followed the instructions and what happens next, would just amaze you.


There's more to the story, that's not being told here at this time, but, I will say this, John walked with spirit literally for nine months. To John even though he was walking on the ground, to him It felt like he was walking on a cloud of air. All the pain he had been suffering with was gone. He didn't have a single worry of any kind.


John wanted to know more about heaven and hell and what made them tick. The answers were revealed to him. John was also taught by Spirit,  "How to pray" with confidence and to expect a miracle(s). 


To help John clean up his life and to remove all the discord that was going on in his life. Spirit gave John a special VisionPrayer Mediation. This VisionPrayer Meditation would do away with all of his discord, anger, and pain that he had been experiencing at that time. This VisionPrayer would become the cornerstone to all his blessings that he has had up until this very moment in time.



Spirit also gave John another gift. This gift is called the Room of Miracles. The Room of Miracles is a place where John can go and use his first gift the VisionPrayer to do away with the discord that pops up in his life. This Room of Miracles is a place where John goes and dwells with God/Goddess of Life, The Gate Keeper and The whole Heavenly Kingdom which is filled with angels that work with the wishes and miracles.

Spirit also taught John about the Seven Seasons and Their 14 Rhythmic Cycles of Light that we all go through each and every single year. This body of knowledge gave John the ability to see and to know how to create or avoid mishaps that can happen in our lives on a day to day basis. Understanding these laws gave John the ability to create a life that had meaning and the ability to help others achieve the same thing.  
John was also taught how to live in the spirit realm while at the same time, living in the physical body. John has seen angels and has experienced many miracles, he has seen heaven with his physical eyes, and the beauty that lives within. He also knows Heaven is also here on earth, as well. Heaven is not just in the universe or in the clouds but it's right here on earth. Let me tell you, you can connect with heaven, it is so easy, it's as easy as putting your finger into a glass of water. 
Then at the end of nine months, they let him go on his own so that he could grow stronger in his own awareness. It was like taking the training wheels off the bicycle and giving him an opportunity to learn how to ride the bike on his own. But, they never left his side, they are always there with him. 
What John teaches,  is not religion,  Buddhism or anything of that nature. What I teach are the laws of creation and how they work for us all. We are all visions of God/Goddess of life. We were all created in the image of heaven and earth. We are Angelic-Beings who have chosen to live here in the physical form. We are all gifts to the earth, The Heaven above and around us, to humanity and the world in which we live in.
There are certain laws of creation that when understood and are followed will bring about amazing results in your life. The tools that john will teach you are to be used to help you break through the dogma of life, and to help you create a better world for yourself and for all those who are on this journey with us.
John's mission is; To empower people and to teach them the truth as he knows it. We are all light children of God/Goddess of life, and we as children have nothing to worry about, Let me share this special truth with you again, we have nothing to worry about. This truth changed my life for forever. If you want to know more about this truth, then we should talk. 
Remember, you are the light that walks in the darkness.  Let me share with you how big a light you really are, and the darkness that I'm talking about has nothing to do with evil. Through John's Angelic readings he will show you how bright you truly are.
To talk with me and to get further insight into John's amazing story, please fill in the contact form below and hit send. My hours are from 10 Am until 5 Pm.
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